Chemguide: Support for CIE A level Chemistry

Learning outcome 16: Hydroxy compounds

16.1: Alcohols

Statement 16.1.1

This statement is about various ways that alcohols might be produced chemically. You will need to refer to the topic in your syllabus as you go along

Statement 16.1.1(a)

This reaction involves the hydration of an alkene. It has already been covered in statement 14.2.2(a)(ii).

Statement 16.1.1(b)

This is another reaction of an alkene that you have already met in statement 14.2.2(b). Notice that an alcohol (actually a diol) is only formed when you use cold dilute acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution - which is what this particular statement asks for.

Statement 16.1.1(c)

This reaction is a nucleophilic substitution reaction where a halogen atom in an halogenoalkane is replaced by an OH group. You have probably already met this in statement 15.1.3(a).

Statements 16.1.1(d), 16.1.1(e) and 16.1.1(f)

These statements are about producing alcohols from compounds that you probably haven't yet studied. It makes sense to leave them until you meet the reactions in Sections 17 and 18. I will remind you at that time about the parts which relate to the current statements.

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© Jim Clark 2020