Chemguide: Support for CIE A level Chemistry Learning outcome 28: Chemistry of transition elements 28.1: General physical and chemical properties of the first row of transition elements, titanium to copper Learning outcomes 28.1.3, 28.1.4, 28.1.5 and 28.1.6 These statements are a first look at typical transition element chemistry. You will need to refer to these statements in your copy of the syllabus. Statement 28.1.3 This is really just a summary list of properties typical of transition elements. It is little more than a useful list of headings for revision purposes. Statement 28.1.3(a) is covered properly in 28.1.4. Statement 28.1.3(b) is covered properly in 28.1.5. Statement 28.1.3(c) is covered properly in 28.1.6 and the majority of section 28.2. Statement 28.1.3(d) is covered in detail in section 28.3. Statements 28.1.4 , 28.1.5 and 28.1.6 You will find most of what you want if you read the rest of the page introducing transition metals. You have already read the first part of the page about the electronic structures of the atoms and ions. The only things that aren't going to be dealt in more detail later are oxidation states and catalysts. Make sure you read the oxidation state section carefully, and follow the link to "Types of catalyst" near the bottom of the page. You don't need to know about autocatalysis. You may have read that page before if you have already done catalysis in section 26.2. The reference to d-orbitals in statement 28.1.5 isn't covered on that page, though. CIE want you to know that adsorption on to the surface of a transition metal catalyst can involve the use of empty and accessible d-orbitals in the metal, and the formation of dative covalent bonds with whatever is being attached.
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