Chemguide: Support for CIE A level Chemistry

Learning outcome 9.3

The Periodic Table

Chemical periodicity of other elements

Learning outcomes 9.3.1 and 9.3.2

These statements ask you to be able to make deductions based on your knowledge of the Periodic Table - either predicting properties of an element by knowing which group it is in, or predicting where an element is in the Periodic Table, from a knowledge of its properties.

Before you go on, you should find and read these statements in your copy of the syllabus.

This whole thing is impossible to do unless you have more knowledge of the elements in the various parts of the Periodic Table than you have at the moment.

For example:

You may possibly remember from courses that you have done in the past, that elements in Group 1 of the Periodic Table have low melting points and react very rapidly (even violently) with water to make strongly alkaline solutions, and giving off hydrogen. If you were given a description of an element with properties like that, then you could say that it was in Group 1.

So the questions aren't likely to be very difficult, but they will often involve a lot more chemistry than you done so far in your A level course.

I would suggest that you leave these two statements for now - in fact, I'm not really sure that you need to come back to them at all. You will certainly find questions of this sort in practice exam papers that you will do while you are preparing for your exams. They will just be testing knowledge that you have built up from other statements elsewhere in the syllabus.

I can't teach you how to do these questions, because they just need a wide knowledge of the Periodic Table - which you will gradually build up during the rest of the course.

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© Jim Clark 2020