Chemguide: Support for CIE A level Chemistry About the CIE section Because of the difficult conditions under which some CIE (Cambridge International) students and teachers are working, I decided it would be useful to provide a lot more help than I would normally give for a single syllabus. The whole of this part of Chemguide is organised in CIE syllabus order, and I have tried to make sure that every single point on the syllabus is covered in a way which is relevant to the CIE exams. The CIE section was originally a part of the main Chemguide site, but I decided it would make things simpler in the future to give it a separate site of its own linked back to Chemguide. If you are a long-term user of the site, you shouldn't notice any difference from before, but if I have got anything wrong and something doesn't work properly, please let my know immediately at: There are quite a few places where it wasn't obvious exactly what CIE wanted, and I have said that I will come back and look at these again in the light of future exam questions. This has proved impossible - it is too big a job for someone not actively involved in teaching the subject in the lab. So, if you are an experienced CIE teacher, and find that I have missed some important bit of information from an Examiner's Report or mark scheme from papers related to the current syllabus, please let me know via the above address so that we can discuss it. If you are a student, please don't get in touch to ask questions! I can't cope with questions from so many students, and if you ask me anything, I will simply refuse to answer it. Students will find some extra information by following this link. © Jim Clark 2010 (last modified November 2024) |