Chemguide: Support for CIE A level Chemistry

Section 2 Menu

Section 2: Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry

To avoid copyright problems with CIE, I can't quote the actual syllabus statements. That means that you must have a copy of this syllabus. If you haven't got one, download a copy from CIE from here. If this link doesn't work, please let me know at once from the address on the about this section page.

Unless you are already reasonably happy about doing simple chemistry calculations from an earlier course, it may pay you to have a look at a section on Chemguide written about the calculation content of syllabuses for 14-16 year old chemistry students.

For now you can ignore the parts talking about calculations involving gases, electrolysis and energy.

Use the link to Chemistry Calculations menu if you feel it would help.

Learning outcomes 2.1

Learning outcomes 2.2

Learning outcomes 2.3.1

Learning outcomes 2.3.2

Learning outcomes 2.3.3 and 2.3.5

Learning outcomes 2.3.4

Learning outcomes 2.4

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© Jim Clark 2020